Hollow Stem Auger, Drive and Wash Cased Borings, Direct Push (Geoprobe)
Macro Core and Dual Tube Sampling, Monitor/Pre-Packed Wells, Ground Water Sample Collection, Vapor and Injection Points, Auger and SPT Capabilities, Concrete and Pavement Coring, Limited Access Equipment
3/4" Diameter to 4" Diameter Overburden and Bedrock
Standard Penetration Test (Split Spoon), Ring Samplers, Shelby Tube, Macro Core, Dual Tube
2" and 4", NX and HX
Curb Box, Manhole and Above Grade Protective Casing Installation, Test Pits, Monitor Well Development, Abandonment and Decommissioning
Diamond Core Drilled Rock Sample |
Hollow Stem Auger Drilling |
Contact Connecticut Test Borings, LLC for your Connecticut, Eastern NY and Southern MA area Test Boring, Geoprobe, Monitor Wells and Soil Sampling needs. Call us at 203-888-3857 or email us.